Thursday, March 8, 2012

How To Make An Effective Ecommerce Website - Home Business ...

Ecommerce has revolutionised the way we buy goods and services and accounts for the majority of sales these days. More and more people choose to buy online rather than on the high street which is good news for internet businesses but bad news for high street retailers. This is why bricks and mortar businesses need an online presence.

Obvious examples of this are peak sales periods in the year such as Christmas, Easter and Bank Holidays when there is an increase in sales during this time. These are the most fruitful periods for any retailer which is why marketing campaigns are planned solely for this purpose.

This means an increase in sales on both the high street and online. If you are a business with an online presence then this is the time when you can expect a surge in traffic to your website followed by an increase in conversions (sales). But in order to do so you need an effective ecommerce website.

Benefits of shopping online

There are several benefits to shopping online compared to the high street which include:

? Convenience

? Cost (often cheaper online)

? Reviews

? Able to return a faulty item quickly and easily

? Variety

? Price comparison

? No crowds

These are all major selling points when it comes to choosing between online and the high street. But if your website fails to meet any of these needs then expect a drop in traffic. To put it quite simply, your prospective customers will go elsewhere. In many cases that translates into visiting your competitor's website instead.

How to make an effective ecommerce website

At the end of the day, your website has to deliver which means ensuring that it is usable and makes your visitors lives easier and enjoyable. Help them to find what they are looking for with the least amount of fuss and at any time of the day. Ensure that there is a simple checkout process which contributes to their online shopping experience.

Here are a few more tips on ensuring that your ecommerce site is useful and effective. These include:

? Sell benefits not features: make it clear why your customers should buy from you. What makes you different? What is the value to the customer?

? Provide options that enable your customers to find what they want. This means taking into account the various ways people find products on the web, e.g. search.

? Cross-sell/up sell

? Personal recommendations/reviews

? Strong calls to action

? Privacy policy

? Info about delivery and/or returns

? Option to sign up for a personal account

Other options include order tracking and shopping history and gift giving. How to make an effective ecommerce website But what is important to remember is that the customer needs to read about a particular product and compare with others before making a decision. Provide plenty of concise information about your product range and steer them in the right direction. Simplify the process whenever possible.


Adaptive Consultancy is a London-based digital agency specialising in website design, eCommerce, and internet marketing, including SEO, PPC and SMO. For more on ecommerce solutions visit


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