Monday, January 28, 2013

Video: Immigration talks aided by aligning political self-interest

>> in our political director, chief white house correspondent, chuck todd . and chuck, some people look at the presidency as a checkbook, and certainly this will amount to one of the first checks the president writes, drawing down that political balance.

>> reporter: well, that's right. and tomorrow he's going to nevada to create public pressure, the white house says. it was supposed to be the place where he was going to launch this push for immigration, but the white house is very supportive of what this bipartisan group of senators are not ready to fully endorse the deal, but they endorse it in principle. and that's exactly right. and it goes to what kelly said at the beginning, brian. both parties -- big deals happen in washington when the political self interests align. and john mccain has been very straight forward about the self interests of the republican party . they have got to fix their problems with hispanics, and that's why they're at the table.

>> all right, chuck todd , at the white house tonight. chuck, thanks.


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